The Heart of Mountain Wolf Music

Circle Mountain Wolf Music - Green.png

Mission | Helping Independent Artists and Music Professionals Maintain their Independence

“The Most Powerful Thing Someone Can Do is Empower Somebody Else’s Dream”

The Story…

Mountain Wolf Music is an Artist Management Agency based in Oregon that specializes in helping build and manage teams for independent artists in the United States.

The Wolf represents guardianship, ritual, loyalty and spirit. Though they travel in packs, wolves have the need to trust their own instincts. Wolves develop strong social bonds within their packs - this mirrors the way we see the artist // agency relationship that MWM will have with their clientele. The Mountain represents the wide-range of freedom and independence that artists maintain working with MWM.

Mountain Wolf Music sees the Artists as the Alpha Wolves in the wolf pack, while the Artist Manager is the Beta Wolf. The Alphas drive the vision and direction of the pack and make the macro decisions, while the Beta Wolf’s job is to organize and protect the Alphas vision for the pack. Ultimately, the management agency’s duty is to ensure that the Alphas are effective in leading the pack as it grows in the future. This is the heart of MWM and our vision to work with artists in the future.